Join Petrol Map today and start saving money

Our users save on average £200* per year!

Get instant access to all our great features and start saving money on your fuel. Join Petrol Map today for FREE!

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Join Petrol Map today for free and unlock unlimited searches to help you find the best deals on fuel.

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Filter by your favourite fuel brand as well as price - useful if you have a fuel card and still want to save money!

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If you regularly buy petrol from a certain area such as your home town or work, you can save these search locations to your account.

Activate price alert emails

Turn on alerts for your saved locations and you’ll receive an email reminding you to check for the cheapest price available.

Choose when to receive alerts

If you often fill up on a specific day each week, tell us and we'll ensure you don't forget to check the latest prices before you leave your house or office.

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Cheapest prices en-route

Tell us your route and compare the fuel prices at the start and end of your journey, to work out where would be best to fill up.

Unlimited access to UK-wide fuel price directory

Browse our UK fuel station directory to quickly find cheap petrol stations by town and county.

Access the "Near Me" petrol location tool

Use our "Near Me" tool to quickly find the cheapest petrol and diesel prices whereever you are in the country.

Join Petrol Map today



An average user can save over £200* per year

*Savings based on a petrol price difference of 10p/litre and an average use of 9.6 gallons per week.

For example, on 14th March 2024, the unleaded petrol price spread (difference between highest and lowest prices, split by town and then averaged) across the UK was 10p, which leads to a potential saving of £227.30 per year (£4.34/week) - based on the average consumer driving 15,000 miles per year at an average of 30mpg.

Membership includes everything listed on this page!

  • Refine your search
    • Unlimited searches
    • Expand your search area
    • Filter by brand and fuel type
  • Create price alerts
    • Save your favourite searches
    • Active price alert emails
    • Choose when to receive alerts
  • Plan your journey
    • Find cheapest prices en-route
    • Unlimited access to fuel price directory
    • Access "Near Me" petrol location tool